Alternative Leeemon

Up to 150x faster than Leeemon

There is no reason to waste your money on . Top music marketers use Promomusique to grow their audiences organically and automatically.

Promomusique is the leading music promotion platform on the market and tests have proven that it generates up to 150x more results than promo media musique, at a much more affordable price.

Are you looking for an alternative to Leeemon for a MUSIC PROMO?

Why is Promomusique better than Leeemon?

How Promomusique makes it easier to gain more streams, fans, views and traffic. Discover the Spotify playlist software of the moment!

Better features and better results

You can control all your music promotions from our beautiful dashboard. Here are some reasons why you'll love Promomusique music promotions:

✔ Real-time results
✔ Advanced statistics
✔ Fast promotion
✔ Optimized artificial intelligence
✔ 24/7 support

Why Promomusique ? Because the numbers don’t lie.

Unlike other competitors, Promomusique focuses on best results and user satisfaction across the entire market. How we stand out:

6 reasons why Promomusique is better than Leeemon

  1. We focus only on organic automation to generate real results
  2. A web design that lets you easily control your advertising campaigns
  3. Cheaper services and special discounts for multiple accounts
  4. Fully dedicated support in case you need help
  5. Real-time analysis allows you to assess the evolution of your accounts
  6. Artificial intelligence that constantly improves your results

Ranking of the best promotion services in 2022: